The Zabots Litany

 Litany of the Holy Innocents

Lord have mercy- Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy - Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy - Lord have mercy
Christ hear us - Christ graciously hear us
God the Father of heaven - have mercy on us
God the son Redeemer of the world - have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit - have mercy on us
Holy Trinity one God - have mercy on us
Holy Mary - pray for us
Holy Innocents - assist us
Holy children of God  - assist us
Holy little ones of the mother - assist us
Holy little warrior of Christ - assist us
Holy little followers of the Spirit - assist us
Holy little Assistants of the servants of God - assist us
Holy children In the vine yard of God - assist us
Patrons and patronesses of children - assist us
Assistant guardians of children undergoing violence - assist us
To those who have gone astray - lead them to God's path oh Holy Innocents
To children who thinks all hope is lost - Interceed for them oh Holy Innocents
To children who seems revenge - lead them to the foot of Christ oh holy Innocents
Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world
             Spare us oh Lord
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
               Graciously hear us oh Lord
Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world
               Have mercy on us oh Lord
Assist us all oh Holy Innocents that we and all children will be one with you and Christ one day in heaven.
Let us pray
Oh God by the assistance and intercession of the Holy Innocents, grant that we may all including children all over the world praise you until life of the world to come. Amen.
Come Lord Jesus, the way the truth and the life. 


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