Doxologies of Christ (Feast of Epiphany, Presentation of the Lord, Ascension of the Lord, Transfiguration of the Lord Christ the King).

 Doxologies of Christ. 

Lord have mercy on us                             Lord have mercy on us

Christ have mercy on us                           Christ have mercy on us

Christ hear us                                            Christ graciously hear us

God the father of heaven                        have mercy on us 

God the son redeemer of the world         have mercy on us

God the Holy Spirit                                    have mercy on us 

 Holy trinity one God                                 have mercy on us

Leader: Lord Jesus through your life and sufferings on earth, All: we honor thee

Lord Jesus through your perseverance and love for mankind we honor thee 

Lord Jesus through your last three hours of unspoken pain we honor thee

Lord Jesus in memory of your mockery on earth by mankind we honor thee

Lord Jesus through your mercy which flows from heaven to bring mankind back to thee we honor thee

Lord Jesus through thy face laden with tears sorrow and pain which the heavenly father looks upon with love we honor thee

Lord Jesus a king pronounced on the lip of man we honor thee.

Lord Jesus full of wisdom, grace and truth. We honor thee. 

Lord Jesus born of a virgin pure and graceful we honor thee

Lord Jesus Our Burden bearer we honor thee. 

Lord Jesus nailed unto a tree for the sin of mankind we honor thee

Lord Jesus the portal of heaven we honor thee

Lord Jesus controller and guardian of the Divine Project. We honor thee. 

Lord Jesus your very name which shakes the foundation of hell we honor thee

Lord Jesus your Crucifixion which reminds Lucifer of his defeat we honor thee

Lord Jesus thy sacred tongue which will come to judge the living and the dead we  honor thee  

Lord Jesus the mighty warrior we honor thee

Lord Jesus the brightest star in the sky we honor thee

Lord Jesus your name glorified in heaven and feared in hell we honor thee

Lord Jesus the Holy hand which wield a cord and scourged those who defile your father’s temple we honor thee

Lord Jesus son of the living God we honor thee

Lord Jesus groom of the church we honor thee

Lord Jesus husband of widows we honor thee

Lord Jesus groom of virgins we honor thee 

Lord Jesus your anger like fire we honor thee

Lord Jesus beloved of the blessed virgin we honor thee

Lord Jesus who promised to be with us till the end of time we honor thee

Lord Jesus imprinted with wound on thy sacred body we honor thee

Lord Jesus the green lion of Judea we honor thee

Lord Jesus the second person in the trinity we honor thee

Lord Jesus the blazing sword of God’s justice we honor thee

Lord Jesus who reveals thy self in Fathom glory we honor thee

Lord Jesus heaven’s perfect lamb we honor thee

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins

of the world, spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of

the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins

of the world, have mercy on us.


Prayer before a Crucifix

All: Look down upon us, good and gentle Jesus

while before Your face we humbly kneel and,

with burning soul,

pray and beseech You

to fix deep in our hearts lively sentiments

of faith, hope, and charity;

true contrition for our sins,

and a firm purpose of amendment.

While we contemplate,

with great love and tender pity,

Your five most precious wounds,

pondering over them within us

and calling to mind the words which David,

Your prophet, said to You, 

(Pause for 3seconds)

my Jesus:

"They have pierced My hands and My feet,

they have numbered all My bones." Amen.

Leader: Come Lord Jesus;

All: The Way, the Truth and the Life.

Leader: In the Name of the Father;

All: And of the Son and of the Holy Sprit. Amen. 


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